Bali Life Foundation

Bali Crisis: 30-Day TPA Suwung Blaze Sparks Environmental Concerns and Unity

Introduction: Bali, known for its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture, is currently facing a crisis that threatens both its environment and the health of its residents. TPA Suwung, a 32-hectare rubbish tip located in the heart of Bali, has been engulfed in flames for an unprecedented 30 days, raising serious concerns about the environmental impact […]

Challenges for volunteering in Bali Indonesia as a foreigners : Limited Resources

Many volunteer organizations in Bali may have limited resources, including funding, equipment, and supplies. Volunteers may need to be creative and resourceful in order to work with the resources available to them and to maximize the impact of their work. I have worked with various volunteer organizations in Bali, and one of the biggest challenges […]

Challenges for volunteering in Bali Indonesia as a foreigners : Language Barrier

Another challenge that volunteers may face in Bali is the language barrier.Hello and welcome to my blog. I would like to discuss one of the most significant challenges that volunteers may face in Bali – the language barrier. Bali is a beautiful island in Indonesia and is a popular destination for tourists and volunteers. However, […]

Challenges for volunteering in Bali Indonesia as a foreigners : Cultural Differences

I have had the privilege of working with volunteers from different parts of the world. One of the biggest challenges that foreign volunteers face when working in Bali is the cultural differences. Bali has a rich and unique culture that is very different from Western cultures. This can sometimes be overwhelming for foreigners, but it […]

Generating income for NGO

Generating income and donations for a non-profit organization in Bali, Indonesia, that focuses on children’s welfare and women empowerment can be a challenging task. However, there are several strategies that the organization can implement to attract donors and generate revenue. In this answer, we will explore some of these strategies. The first step in generating […]

Bali NGO: Short vs. Long-Term Volunteering, Impact on Goals

I have witnessed the immense impact that volunteers can have on the projects we undertake. Volunteers bring in fresh perspectives, diverse skill sets, and a zeal to contribute towards positive change. However, one of the biggest questions we face as an organization is whether to opt for short-term or long-term volunteer programs in Bali’s NGO […]

Bali NGOs: Social Media for Volunteer Opportunities & Awareness

I believe that social media is one of the most powerful tools for promoting NGO volunteer opportunities and increasing awareness about local issues and initiatives. In today’s world, social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become integral to our daily lives. With over 4.2 billion active social media users worldwide, it […]

Bali NGO Volunteering: Experiences, Culture, Language, Housing

I have had the opportunity to work with a number of international volunteers in Bali’s NGO sector. Through these experiences, I have gained valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that arise when people from different cultures come together to work towards a common goal. One of the most important aspects of working with international […]

Bali NGO Volunteering: Impact on Local Communities & Development

I have witnessed firsthand the incredible impact that NGO volunteer programs can have on local communities in Bali. These programs not only provide vital support and resources to those in need, but they also contribute to achieving sustainable development goals in the region. Firstly, NGO volunteer programs play a critical role in supporting local communities […]